Friday, June 17, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Things...

21. Walking the beach shore at dawn/dusk with the water hitting against my feet

22. Eskimo Kisses-the way noses gently touch before a kiss

23. The feeling after a good workout

24. Quilting with my mother

25. Wrapped up in a homemade quilt/blanket on a cold day

26.Porch Swings-relaxing, reading, or cuddling

27. Rockithing on to music, dancing like a dork when nobodys watching

28. Singing silly songs with my sister Christina over Heytell app on our iphones (thank you Terren lol)

29. lift hugs

30. Piggyback rides, or being able to run & leap on someone at random without fear of killing them

31. Hugging a cup of hot herbal tea warming my hands with the steam hitting against my face

32. Expressing myself through writting either by hand written letters, stories, or a blog

33. Photo booth pictures & just taking goofy pictures with friends in general

34. Sitting outside coffee shops drinking coffee with friends, just talking

35. Creek, lakes, rivers & the sound of the water

36. laying barefoot in the soft grass

37. my cat going spastic around the house at random moments

running man dance
38. Dancing the running man

39. cross necklaces and pearls

40. Painting/drawing


  1. I would say piggy backs are fun.... but for me they look more fun than they are. I never feel stable! I always feel like I'm slipping. maybe thats a one armed thing. lol. anyhoobers....interesting pics! and picks!

  2. Thanks :) #25 disappeared but I found it again & readded it again lol
